The moving language of mother’s love

mother love passionfruitlife

“Mother represents a colorless love that knows no barter and no end.”
– Swamy Vivekananda

Even within the chaos of the world around you,
there are a few things which you see clearly,
because they move you.

Motherly love is one such feeling that you cannot help,
but pick out from the monotony of everyday life.
Perhaps because it’s a language that transcends all life forms.

I ask myself how and I ask myself why.

I make my way through the chasm of the commercial world,
And I am struck by that glow emanating from a mother as she bathes her child.
Trying to rid him of the dust of this dearth of a living.
She doesn’t have much, but she has him and that’s all she wants.
To hold him and touch her caring face to his loving one.

I ask myself how and I ask myself why.

I smile and trudge on, wondering,
where do they find this unconditional love within themselves.
I see a calf call out to her mother cow and the scene repeats.
They both longingly face each other as their eyes communicate,
And the tips of their nose reach towards the other,
Like a gateway for their souls to connect, her caring one to his loving one.

I ask myself how and I ask myself why.
And then I am opened to the answers which are beyond me.

And then I know, the I understand, and then I realize,
the answer to my questions that this is no ordinary bond but a magical one.
Because the moving language of mother’s love is transcendental, and immutable.

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